Community Solar

What is Community Solar?

Community solar is a renewable energy initiative that allows multiple people or organizations to benefit from a single solar power system. Instead of installing solar panels on their own property, individuals or organizations can subscribe to a Community Solar project.

Electricity Savings: Subscribers receive a 10% or more credit on the electricity bills.

Expanded Access: Enables more people and businesses to benefit from solar energy without individual installations.

How it works

How it works


The “green” electricity generated by the solar array is fed into the local electricity grid. Produced locally and consumed locally.


Individuals or organizations can subscribe to a community solar project and receive 10% or more in credits on their electricity bills.


Whereas many property owners cannot install solar on their rooftops or ground, they can receive the benefit of solar via a subscription to a community solar project.

Community Solar

How it Works?

How to lower your electric bill while helping the environment

If you do not own property, or circumstances do not permit solar construction on property you own, you can still benefit from Community Solar projects. Residence and organizations that support community solar projects at their town board meetings can both reduce their electricity bills and support renewable clean energy production for future generations.

We recognize this as Energy Equity, contributing to saving communities of subscribers up to 10% on their annual electric utility bills.